Client-side interactivity

Version: 1.0.0

One of the reasons deco is fast is our edge first approach to creating websites. This means that all code you write runs on our servers instead of running on slow, inconsitent user devices (browser). However, sometimes we need to provide extra interactivity to our websites, like adding onClick, useState or useEffect event handlers. In this guide you will learn how to create components that run on the browser. Make sure to read our performance tips before creating any JavaScript on the browser to avoid common pitfails with client-side JavaScript


  1. Making components interactive
  2. Islands usage limitations
  3. Sharing state among islands.
  4. Considerations and tips

Making components interactive

Suppose you have the following component. A counter that allows the user to add/subtract to the displayed value.

This component can be implemented with the following code:

import { useState } from 'preact/hooks'

export default function Counter () {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

  return (
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count-1)}>
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count+1)}>

Creating a file called Counter.tsx and placing it into the components folder gives us the following result on the screen:

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However, when we try clicking on the button, nothing happens. This is because deco does not ship any JavaScript to the browser, thus making hooks like useState and useEffect not work. To opt into shipping JavaScript to the browser, you must move the Counter.tsx file into a special folder called islands in the project's root.

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Moving the component's file into the islands folder, we have the component with a working interaction

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This component is now called an island!

Althought adding islands to your project seems tempting, keep in mind that islands slow down websites and harm TBT metric, so before moving any component to the island folder, make sure that your final interactivity:

  • Isn't achieved through page navigation with links or form submissions...
  • Isn't an interaction built purely with CSS...
  • Requires manipulation of elements or the current page's state (e.g., using onClick, onChange, useEffect, another hook, or an event listener)

Islands usage limitations

Islands are Preact components. This means they accept props. However, these values must be one of:

  • Primitive types string, boolean, bigint, and null
  • Simple objects with string keys and serializable values
  • Arrays of serializable values
  • Uint8Array
  • JSX Elements (ONLY as props.children)
  • Preact Signals (if the signal value is serializable)
  • Most numbers (Infinity, -Infinity, and NaN are converted to null)

Complex objects such as Date, functions, and custom classes are not accepted as islands props.

Using Signals Instead of State

useState requires working with a separate function for value updates. Preact also uses Signals for handling state. A signal has a reference that holds a value, but it also has a .value attribute that allows updating this value.

Within a component, if the state is only used locally, you can use the useSignal hook to create these elements that can be used in the function body or in the JSX returned, as in the example below.

import { useSignal } from "@preact/signals";

export default function Counter() {
  const count = useSignal(0)

  return (
      <button onClick={() => count.value-- }>
      <button onClick={() => count.value++ }>

# Sharing state among islands.

In normal Preact development, sharing state between components is usually done via the [Context]( API. This works fine for a full client-side application. However, since we are using islands architecture, sharing state among islands require a new approach.

Signals are also a great way of sharing state between islands, since one can publish and subscribe for change events in a concise API. 

To use signals, 
import { signal } from '@preact/signals';

Now, use the global scope to create, mutate and subscribe to a signal:

import { signal } from "@preact/signals";

const count = signal(0);

// Read a signalā€™s value by accessing .value:
console.log(count.value);   // 0

// Update a signalā€™s value:
count.value += 1;

// The signal's value has changed:
console.log(count.value);  // 1

To define side-effects over signal changes, use the effect, batch, computed, or useComputed operations. Refer to the signals documentation for more details. Also, take a look at sharing state between islands.

Note that sharing state via the Context API will NOT work, since the context will be outside the islands, and thus, only available on the server.

Considerations and tips

Making a component an island will at least double its size in bytes. The server renders the HTML for this element and sends it to the browser, but it also sends essentially the same HTML plus the JS to be injected on the client side. Therefore, try to create only the necessary islands, as they make the rendering process more resource-intensive.

Futher read: