Sections error boundaries

Version: 1.21.4

Error Boundaries


Error boundaries are a powerful concept available to be used since 1.21.4 version, to handle errors that occur during the rendering of components. They allow you to gracefully handle errors and prevent the entire application from crashing due to an unhandled error.

In deco, creating an error boundary is as simple as exporting a component function named ErrorBoundary that takes an object with two properties: props and error. The props property contains the original component's props, and the error property holds the error object that was thrown by the component.

The pre-requisites to make your component work with error boundaries is having the following dependencies in versions higher or equal than below:

  "imports": {
    "deco/": "",
    "$fresh/": "",
    "preact": "",
    "preact/": "",
    "preact-render-to-string": "*preact-render-to-string@6.2.0",
    "@preact/signals": "*@preact/signals@1.1.3",
    "@preact/signals-core": "",

Example: Creating an Error Boundary

To create an error boundary, you can follow these steps:

  • Pick your selected Section (e.g ProductShelf.tsx)
  • Export a function named ErrorBoundary, the function should accept an object with two properties: props and error.
// ProductShelf.tsx

import { ErrorBoundaryParams } from "deco/types.ts";

export interface Props {
    myProp: string;
export function ErrorBoundary({ props, error }: ErrorBoundaryParams<Props>) {
  // Your error handling logic goes here
  // You can display an error message, log the error, or render a fallback UI
  return (
      <h2>Oops! Something went wrong.</h2>

export default function ProductShelf(props: Props) {

In this example, the ProductShelf component is wrapped with the ErrorBoundary component. If an error occurs during the rendering of ProductShelf, the ErrorBoundary component will catch the error and display the fallback UI specified in the ErrorBoundary function.

Remember to always use error boundaries judiciously and only wrap the components that are prone to errors. Using error boundaries effectively can greatly improve the stability and user experience of your applications.